Our Mission
As people who have ourselves been reconciled to God in Christ, we are committed to Jesus’ mission of connecting people to God. We reach out to our community in Christ-like compassion, telling the story of Jesus and showing tangible signs of God’s gracious love.
At least once a quarter, we organize a creative outreach project in which the whole church body can participate. Through these ‘random’ acts of grace toward our community, it is our hope to bless the lives of our neighbors and to act out some sign of the coming kingdom of God.
In addition to our official church programming, we also encourage and resource individuals to bless their neighbors in the unique ways that only they can. We are especially proud of the many creative members of our church who take the story of Jesus into their diverse everyday lives.
Weekly Worship
Holy Communion – 9:30 am
Followed by fellowship and Christian education for all ages.
Evening Prayer – 6 pm*
*Service of Healing held instead on the first Sunday of each month
Holy Communion – 12 pm
on announced feast days
218 E. Jefferson St., Butler, PA 16001
Contact Information
Telephone: 724-287-1869
Email:[email protected]
Facebook: St. Peters Anglican Butler
As modern-day disciples of Jesus, we are committed to growing together in our faith. Responding to God’s gracious love for us, we grow in our relationship with God through study, prayer, and service. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we consider ourselves a family, sharing this life of growth together and fostering real community.
Small Groups
The way we carry out this part of our vision at St. Peter’s is through weekday Small Groups which meet once or twice a month. All our families are invited to join one of these small groups and experience the deep friendships and the spiritual growth that can take place in the context of Christian community. Typically, the format of a Small Group meeting is to gather, enjoy each other’s company over some sort of food, and pray the very simple Morning or Evening Prayer liturgy from the Anglican Book of Common Prayer.
The following Small Groups are currently meeting. Please contact the church to get connected with one:
- North Group, 2nd & 4th Thursdays
- Belmont Road Group, 2nd & 4th Wednesdays (No meetings during summer)
- Brady Street Group, 2nd & 4th Thursdays @ 6:30 p.m. (No meetings during summer)
- Men’s Breakfast Group, 1st & 3rd Mondays @ 7:15 a.m., Kelly’s Restaurant (Saxonburg)
Holy Communion
9:30 AM Sunday
Our Sunday worship service is characterized by joyful music and a warm family environment. Children are welcome during worship, and immediately after the service we share fellowship
Advent Schedule
Music for Advent & Christmas (12/15): 7 p.m.
Youth Christmas Pageant (12/17): 5 p.m.
Christmas decorating (12/23): 10 a.m. at the church
Christmas Schedule
Christmas Eve (12/24): 9:30 a.m. Eucharist (Advent 4), 6 p.m. Family Service of Lessons & Carols, 10 p.m. Eucharist
Christmas Day (12/25): 12 p.m. Eucharist
St. Stephen’s Day (12/26): 12 p.m. Eucharist (Prayers offered for persecuted Christians worldwide)
St. John’s Day (12/27): 12 p.m. Eucharist (Prayers offered for those without faith or needing encouragement)
Holy Innocents Day (12/28): 12 p.m. Eucharist (Prayers offered for a just society and protecting human life)
About St Peters
Our vision as a church is to see the story of Jesus shape everyday life.
As we pursue this vision, a few major theological principles shape our life together.
The Story of Jesus. Christianity is about the grace of God shown to us in Jesus Christ. In the coming of Jesus Christ, all human history finds its meaning. In the person of Jesus Christ, God was pleased to dwell among us. Through the work of Jesus Christ, God reconciled our hostile world to himself, making peace by the blood of his cross. All we have to offer as a church is found in the crucified and risen Christ—in God’s free gift of perfect forgiveness, of meaningful, abundant life, triumphant over death, and of secure, eternal peace—all through faith in Jesus Christ. Our vision as a church is to see this story of Jesus shape everyday life in our communities.
Scripture. We believe that the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the highest witness to God’s love for us in Christ. The Scriptures contain all things necessary for salvation, and as God’s Word written, they are the final authority for the faith and practice of the Church.
Tradition. We at St. Peter’s are committed to the Anglican tradition of Christianity—the tradition that has grown from the ancient Church of England. Anglican Christians are something like “Reformed Catholics.” Our worship is liturgical and sacramental (following the Book of Common Prayer). Our theology is broadly protestant (following the 39 Articles of Religion). And our churches are united by the apostolic ministry of bishops.
(To read more about Anglicanism, click here.)
Practically speaking at St. Peter’s our life together revolves around three simple commitments:
worship, discipleship, and mission.
Get Involved
Bible Studies
Other Gatherings
Women’s Luncheon
Monthly – Call 724-287-1869 for time
Women’s Luncheon are typically held once a month and are a good informal place for women of the parish and their friends to socialize and deepen their Christian fellowship with one another.
Women’s Study
Twice Monthly- Saturdays
Women’s Studies are typically held twice a month at the church on Saturdays and are another great way to connect in fellowship over God’s Word.
Faith on Target
Monthly – announced in advance
Faith on Target is a casual ministry of all ages and walks of life for those who want to gather over a shared interest in target shooting and spend time in fellowship with others in the parish. These are typically held once a month at a parishioner’s farm (announced in advance).
Bible Study
Weekly – Wednesday’s on Zoom
Wednesday Zoom Bible Studies are low-barrier ways for members of the church and others to fellowship over God’s Word and learn from Father David what Scripture says to us. Recognizing that not everyone can attend in-person gatherings due to various individual reasons, these are held online via Zoom. A permanent link to the weekly sessions can be obtained by contacting the church.